Onkologiska kliniken

Specialist physician for the Oncology Clinic at Linköping University Hospital

Region Östergötland is the main health care provider in Östergötland county with approximately 13000 employees, 11600 of which in healthcare. Three hospitals and 43 primary care centers are provided for the general population, as well as 40 public dental clinics. The University Hospital in Linköping serves the southeastern part of Sweden with 1.2 million inhabitants.
Our mission is to provide excellent care to all our inhabitants. We collaborate closely with Linköpings University, one of Swedens leading research institutes in healthcare, life science and education. Both Region Östergötland and Linköpings University are top ranking in the national level of education and as providers of health care. Our departments offer good opportunities for your professional development. The region offers a broad range of leisure activities with a stunning countryside, rivers, lakes and the Baltic sea, as well as a rich cultural life. Here you find direct connections to the cities of Stockholm, Amsterdam and Copenhagen, and four international airports within one hour of travel.

The Oncology Clinic in Linköping is a large clinic with 200 employees. We are just over 30 doctors, but we need more. The clinic has a treatment clinic where outpatient medical oncology treatment is given, a radiation treatment department with a brachytherapy unit and isotope unit and an outpatient unit. Within this there is a reception, clinical trial unit, paramedic and a follow-up unit. The oncological inpatient care is provided via the cancer and lung care unit. The care consists of county medical care for Östergötland and regional medical care for the Southeastern healthcare region as well as gynecological specialist medical care for patients from Region Västmanland.
The clinic is a university medical unit where research is a natural part of the service.

Job description
We are looking for a chief physician or specialist in oncology, preferably with a focus on sarcoma, gastrointestinal or uro-oncology. We work interprofessionally in close collaboration with nearby clinics in the Östergötland Region and the Southeastern healthcare region. We strive for continuous knowledge acquisition and development through participation in national and international meetings and congresses. We also work actively to participate in clinical studies. There are good conditions for conducting research within the framework of the service.

Registered medical license within the EU/EEA
Registered and licensed physician with specialist competence in oncology.
Postgraduate education and active research in the subject area of oncology are meritorious.
Basic computer skills in Microsoft office
English and Swedish language skills

Personal characteristics
You should have a positive attitude, a good cooperative ability and can handle different situations in a constructive way. You should enjoy working in teams with different professions.

Terms of employment
Before moving to Sweden you need to reach a certain level in the Swedish language and have your medical training recognized by the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare https://legitimation.socialstyrelsen.se/en/licence-application/.

The employment will start with a trial period, combined with further language studies. If the trial period will be proved satisfactory and you demonstrate required skills recognized by the County Council of Östergötland, it will automatically turn into a permanent employment.

All contracts follow local and national collective agreements. Salary are set individually depending on your qualification and experience.

Support during recruitment process
You will receive continuous information and support from the International Office in Region Östergötland, regarding relocation, establishment and language education.
In this recruitment we cooperate with EURES Arbetsförmedlingen.
For more information contact internationaloffice@regionostergotland.se

Your application must contain a complete merit summary for doctors.
The compilation must be certified.

Welcome with your application!

Anställningsform Tillsvidareanställning
Anställningens omfattning Heltid
Tillträde Enligt överenskommelse
Löneform Enligt överenskommelse
Antal lediga befattningar 1
Sysselsättningsgrad 100 %
Ort Linköping
Län Östergötlands län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2022/1153
  • Sofia Engblom, Sofia.Engblom@regionostergotland.se
Publicerat 2022-06-08
Sista ansökningsdag 2022-09-04

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